Tag Archives: Take This Watlz

Friday Finds for an Icy Weekend!

So while Australia’s temperature is reaching a record high here in London we are expecting this weekend to be a snowy one.  After a little accident with a Metropolitan Police officer I have found myself with a spiffy hire car equipped with heated seats AND cup holders. Just in time!!! Hello hot back!!

Anyway, that’s besides the point. A few tips on avoiding frost bite, rug up, stay home, drink hot things, watch nice things and listen to beautiful music.

Some things to watch: 

Moonrise Kingdom – A delightful Wes Andersen, that will leave you brighter. Cute, over sincere kids in love. You can’t beat it! Seriously too cute!!


Take this Waltz – I’m not quite sure whether I loved or hated it BUT it is shot beautifully with a dreamy quality and a healthy amount of Feist in it. Be warned 1. You WILL want to do aquarobics 2. There are nudey bits 3. You may never want to get married.

The Bridge  –  A Swedish and Danish crime drama… OH MY GOSH! It is incredible, pretty dark and if you can do subtitles you will become absolutely addicted to it. (I rushed a good thing and finished it in 5 days… Now I am lost!)

To drink: 


Ibarra Mexican Hot Chocolate.. with Rum perhaps?  Cinnamon-y goodness!

Zhena Gypsy Firelight Chai Tea  – a red chai that is light but spicy. Not cheap but delish!

To listen : 

The Choir of Young Believers – Hollow Talk

This is the theme tune for the Bridge by the danish band. Beautiful!

And if Take This Waltz made you want to listen to Feist, like it did me, this live video in Paris will either make you want to kiss or just be her. That lady has some serious skills in all the departments!

Stay warm, stay safe, stay happy! 


Tracks of Foxes

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Filed under Celeste, Friday finds, Hanna, Sarah