Tag Archives: Filter coffee

Found: Chemex Coffee Maker


… The title for this post should really be GOT instead of Found as it was one of my Christmas presents. And it just keeps on giving – every morning! It’s no secret that I love my coffee and my mornings just wouldn’t be the same without a big mugful of this fine nectar. So outbursts of pure joy were witnessed when I unraveled a shiny Chemex Coffee Maker on Christmas day!


It really is a simple pot where you pour hot water over your coffee, but the secret (if I have my info right) is in the triple filters that give you a smooth scum-free cuppa. It was designed by a scientist on a search for a way to make a good cup of coffee and Chemex is what he came up with.

It’s good design and function all in one! And I’m a big fan of good design.


Ps. Top tip! If you’re thinking of purchasing a Chemex, make sure to shop around the interweb as the prices seem to range from £30 to £100 on different sites.. crazy.

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Filed under Found Things..., Hanna, Home